Monday, September 2, 2013


My hands are free, so is my mind,
but I choose to be tied down and die.
I speak, I sigh, I lament all day
I twitter, I chatter, I cry all day,
I see my world crashing
Slowly one by one
But I don’t get up and get the change done
I accept, I bow, I buckle to the world
I conform to the so called ‘norms of the world’.
I want the change , I want the change
I want the change NOW
But no – I will not get up from my couch
Till this change is done.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Adios Facebook

I am allergic to Facebook. I have never been allergic to anything till date but I realized I am a obsolete - of a bygone era - an extinct species as far as FB is concerned. My friends – the few of them left, ask me as to why I don’t come on FB? Well, to start - I don’t have pictures to post of my recent company trip to some place far-away nor I have Saturday party nights to boast about. I don’t have status updates claiming about how excited I am that it’s Friday night. For me every day and every night remains the same. I am a stay-at-home mom whose day starts at 5am irrespective of the day of the week and ends at 11pm – not in some disc or fancy restaurant or pub but in my children’s bedroom after picking up the clothes, toys and books that have been left on the floor after the two of them have decided to call it a day. Well, that’s nothing to tweet about or be complimented for in FB, right? I chose to be a stay-at-home mom not because I did not have the caliber to work but because I don’t have the help to take care of my kids. I am not sure of leaving the kids behind in someone else’s care to go to work. But does that mean I work less or enjoy lesser? Not a chance. It's just that my day is filled with baby stuff and nobody in FB surely wants to hear to that. I can’t bitch about bosses or tweet on the state of traffic or about the work clothes I purchased from the new store in town or how its promotion time to a swanky new office. In my world my kids are my boss, jams are stains left on the white linen, clothes are still nappies purchased and promotion is moving from feeding the little one in one place to running around because she has learnt to use her feet and oh! boy is she fast! I realized I also don’t have pictures of my recently done pedicure. I saw a picture of an acquaintance in FB showing off her beautiful feet thanks to the pedicure done on a relaxing Saturday after a hectic week at work. She got over sixty likes and an equal number of flattering comments. I realized I am not made for FB when just before retiring to bed I remarked to my husband almost half sleepily – ‘I want to post pictures and get likes too - I think I will get a PediaSURE done’!!!... Goodbye FB. Adios. P.S – Pediasure is the drink for kids below 2 years.
Just saw the song Badtameez Dil!!! Liked the connotation to the word Badtameez. The 1980s Hindi movie scene saw a lot of use of the word Badtameez. The word was often followed by a high octave background sound then silence and then tears rolling down. Thankfully, 21st century mostly cut down on the tears part. Here was the young generation which was more confident. Badtameez, a slap and walk away. So this song was a fresh take. I dint understand the lyrics of the song.....oh! love - 'paan mein pudina' and 'Thaali mein katora leke' is actually not lyrics - a lot of us can write such lyrics - but what I did like about this is the energy of the song. Life has its own complications and limitations but steal those little moments and allow your heart to be a 'Badtameez' to you and laugh along with it. Enjoy!